Still Rocks Hard and Strong

laurie redsell LED sign

the following email from Laurie (Loz) explains it all…


I came across your blog page the other day when I was trawling the net for Bon Scott sites.

I read a little bit of it each day. I love it and you are a lucky x#@* to have had the experiences you have had writing it.

AC/DC are the best band ever but would be even better with Bon still out front.

I am 53yrs old and have been an AccaDacca fan forever. When I have parties in my bar, everyone always wants to put on the silly hats (which we do after we drink to much) and rock to AccaDacca. And the people that are rocking are middle age bankers and our young adult children. The kids love Bon like we do because his music has lived on through us and always will. My favourite song is Jailbreak, an OZ classic, with Bon at his best.

I travelled to Fremantle a couple of years ago and had some quiet moments at Bons grave. I will be back again soon to see his statue (and to visit the grave again).

I would love the following message to go up on the Message Board at Fremantle:

Bon Scott still rocks hard and strong
in the life of Laurie Redsell (Loz)
from Brisbane. R.I.P. Bon

If it does goes up could you let me know by email, photograph it and put it on your blogsite.

Also if it does go up I will be downloading the picture, blowing it up and putting in the bar beside Bons photograph and other assorted memorabilia.


Laurie Redsell
Brisbane, Qld.

2 thoughts on “Still Rocks Hard and Strong”

  1. Lucas,

    Thanks mate.

    That’s great, straight to the photo shop at lunch and have it blown up for the Bar.

    How much longer is your blog going to keep going ?

    I am still in shock that the best place they can put Bon is in a fish in chip shop, in a pub maybe.

    You would think they could find a spot for him somewhere better in Fremantle !

    Thanks again.


  2. Haven’t heard any new scuttlebutt on Bon’s statue’s permanent home. Is he still at the fish and chips shop?

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