hitchhike pic
(Image borrowed from here…)

The campaign to find me a travellin’ companion for my trip across the nullabor is in full swing. Yesterday I spoke on radio 2SER’s drivetime show…Next Tuesday there’ll be an ad in the Drum Media, and there are several other tentacles out there, octopussing across the city. Someone will step forward to ride shotgun soon enough, I’m sure!

In case you’ve missed it so far, here’s the call out:

Lucas Ihlein calls for a travelling companion to accompany him on his journey from Sydney to Fremantle for the unveiling of the Bon Scott statue. Potential co-traveller should have own car with working stereo and good collection of AC/DC music. I will pay for fuel and on-road costs. We need to arrive by 23rd of February (so ideally, we should leave on the 18th Feb).

Enquiries to Lucas: lucas[at]

PS: if you think you’re the one, but you don’t have a car or working stereo, get in touch anyway. Maybe we can wrangle something! Oh, and I suppose if you’re the right person, it’d be ok to set out from Adelaide or Melbourne too!

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