AC/DC Aussie Tour Dates Finally Announced: Feb/March 2010

News just in from Doug at the WA Bon Scott Fanclub: AC/DC have finally announced their Aussie Tour Dates.

Thu 11 February – Melbourne – Etihad Stadium (formerly Telstra Dome)
Thursday 18 February – ANZ Stadium, Sydney
Thursday 25 February – QSAC, Brisbane
Tuesday 2 March – Adelaide Oval
Sat 6 March – Perth – Subicao Oval

Tickets can be obtained from

(depending on which gig you want to go to, you have to get your ticket from one or the other of the above links)

Monday 25 May is the day they go on sale. Yikes.

A sign from somewhere east of Adelaide?

ben scott's sign

Regular readers of this blog may remember Ben Scott, the unsubstantiated but loveable lovechild of Bon. He’s hell-bent on accessing Scott-the-elder’s DNA, that elusive double helix which, he is certain, will perfectly match his own – thus unlocking the key to his true identity once and for all.

I first met and interviewed Ben at the cemetery, and since that time he’s become one of my most loyal readers, unleashing a barrage of CAPITALISED COMMENT CAMEOS, which perhaps, reveal traces of the great comic street poet which runs in his veins.

You may also have followed this brief flurry of excitement a month or so back, when it looked like BON OR BUST might finally bear fruit – Ben and I began plotting a cross-nullabor journey from Melbourne to Perth.

But alas, Ben had enrolled in a metallurgy course at MOORABIN TAFE and it did not come to pass.

(Furthermore, read this account of our even-more-recent, heart-fluttering near miss! Sigh…)

Anyway, here I am in Fremantle. I arrived a fortnight ago, transported on the wings of a mighty jetplane. But undeterred, and fiercely determined to get to the exhibition by ribbon-cutting-time next week, Ben is making the great pilgrimage alone.

Or rather – not alone!

His new Ford Falcon is chock-full-o fans (and/or backpackers), and they’re barrelling across the desert as I type.

The photograph above popped into my in-box from Ben’s satellite phone sometime this afternoon, with no accompanying explanation, except for the following cryptic sentence:


Is Ben trying to squeeze in even more passengers, in a vain attempt to bring the price-per-passage down?

Or has his trusty Falcon burst a valve? Is his precious exhibit-bound cargo standing en-masse by the side of the highway, trying to hitch a ride, patiently waiting while he fixes his grammatical errors?

Ben Scott, where are you?

The West Online Features Bon Scott Project

the west feature on bon scott project

The West Australian Newspaper has done an online feature on the Bon Scott Project! Check it out here.

I wrote a lil blog post for them, which is here.

You can submit photos of yourself to the West Online, in your getup as “best dressed Bon fan”, and be in the running to win tickets to the launch of the Bon Scott Exhibition at the Fremantle Arts Centre! Get to it…

Long Way to the Top Polka Band

polka band article
[14 November, 2007, West Australian Newspaper, for larger size click here.]

Last November, the above article appeared in the West Australian Newspaper. As a promotional stunt for the Bon Scott Project, the Dolomiten Polka band jigged It’s a Long Way to the Top (If you wanna rock and roll) while trundling through the streets of Freo on a flatbed truck. It has now come to my attention that a small video documenting this historic performance is now available online! And here it is:

Would you travel across the Nullabor with this man?

ben scott

Exciting news on the blog today. Ben Scott, the yet-to-be-officially-ratified Love Child of Bon Scott, has been in touch via the guest book. Ben has announced his willingness to be my travelling companion for a second pilgrimage to Bon’s final resting place! BON OR BUST is back on!

I first met Ben at the cemetery on the 19th of February at Bon Scott’s graveside. Since that time, Ben has followed the Bon Scott Blog closely, posting comments rather loudly in CAPITAL LETTERS on a regular basis. He emailed me a few weeks back to say he’d just raced across from Perth to Melbourne to buy a late-model Falcon he fell in love with through the Auto Trader. Now he’s enrolled in a course in Metalliferous Mining (Open Cut) at TAFE, which will increase his income greatly when he returns to that great open cut mine, WA.

So… fingers crossed… if the dates all work out, it could be me and the Love Child on the road together. Who would have thought?

– – –

UPDATE: (19 March 2008)
Sorry to get your hopes up folks. Ben just shot me another email. It seems there’s been a change in the dates of his mining course, which will now be happening precisely at the time we wanted to travel, and he can’t get out of it… Bummer.
So it’s back to the drawing board again…


I’m sitting at Sydney airport with only 9% battery life on my computer, waiting for an aeroplane. With some disappointment, I crawled out of bed this morning, and rather than packing the camping gear into the back of an old Kingswood painted matt black and emblazoned with an AC/DC logo, I headed off to catch a plane to Perth. My quest to find a travelling companion for the pilgrimage to Fremantle was thwarted by the breakneck speed of contemporary life: my Bon or Bust! campaign has ended in Bust!

So, although my journey is to be pragmatic rather than filled with unexpected adventure, flying means I can be in WA today, where I will head straight to the Fremantle Cemetery, and visit Bon’s grave. Tomorrow (the 19th of February) is the anniversary of Bon’s death. So I expect there may be some fans visiting the graveside to pay their respect, and I, your erstwhile reporter, will be there to meet them!

This week I also hope to meet Doug, the passionate fella who runs the West Australian Bon Scott Fanclub, who did all the fundraising and campaigning for the Bronze statue. And I shall tell you about Rob, a fan from Croydon Park in Sydney’s suburbs, who sat me down last week, and showed me a bunch of very very funny AC/DC video clips he’d taped from Rage.

Dirt Cheap

dirty deeds cd on the bus to canberra

Following Damo’s advice, I went down to Pitt Street looking for “that bargain CD shop near where that vegetarian yum cha place used to be.” Damo had acquired the entire Bon-era back catalogue there at only ten bucks a pop. He said they were imports from Argentina or something. Who knows how the music distribution business works? It’s a mystery to me.

I found the place. It’s called “Dirt Cheap CDs”. Inside, the AC/DC section (which takes up a fair amount of shelf space) was crammed with Brian Johnson-era releases: Flick of the Switch, Fly on the Wall, Stiff Upper Lip etc. etc. (One of these day’s I’ll do an analysis on Acca Dacca album names, there certainly seems to be a pattern there…)

Dirt Cheap CDs only had one Bon-era album: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (1976). I figured given the name of the CD, the name of the shop, and the price of the item, it was meant to be. I asked the guy behind the counter if he had any more early AC/DC stuff. “Nah,” he said, “the computer says we’ve got 2 copies of Let There Be Rock, but I went looking for them earlier and I just can’t find them. They keep getting nicked.” Then he added hopefully: “But hey, you should check out some of the post-Bon era albums too, mate. They’re still pretty good!”
Continue reading “Dirt Cheap”


This is it folks! Last chance!

In my callout (BON OR BUST!) I have searched far and wide for a travelling companion to accompany me to Fremantle on a historic pilgrimage across the Nullabor. Many hard rockin’ candidates have fallen by the wayside, victims to that terrible affliction, the “W” word (“ah man, I’d love to go but I can’t get the time off me work”)

What’s wrong with you people!? Throw off those shackles, and in the great Aussie tradition, “Don’t Be a Thickie, Chuck a Sickie!” Ahem, of course, this would have to be a 2 week sickie, at least.

But seriously, I am considering declaring “BUST!” and booking me a flight. Get in touch today if you want to jump on board.

The advantages of the flight, of course, are that on 19 February (the actual anniversary of Bon’s death) I can hang out at the cemetery, rather than being somewhere east of Adelaide. And I can spend the week in Fremantle in the lead up to the great bronze statue unveiling, maybe getting to meet some of the fanatics who have made it all happen over there.

Demolition Damo

damo doing a scary face

Damo is one helluva fan. My first big one! I contacted him through a friend of mine, a musician called Lucas who plays a miked-up a shard of glass with his mouth, complete with saliva and blood smearing all over its surface. Damo’s musical predilections, while also pretty wild, at least use conventional guitars and drums and so on.

Damo’s place, a small flat in a housing commission building perched on the southern edge of the fashionable bit of Surry Hills, is a shrine to loudness. Every surface that could possibly transfer noise to the outside world has been fastidiously padded with custom-cut knobs of foam. He’s even built some thickly insulated panels which hinge so as to swing across and clip into place, blocking out the windows. And in the deepest corner of Damo’s tiny abode is a padded cell, a chamber so perfectly sound-proofed you can almost hear your own blood pumping in your veins. It’s here in this airless cave, with just enough room for a computer and a drum kit, that Damo rehearses and records his own music.

“AC/DC is probably the biggest influence on my music” he says, munching away on one of the falafel rolls I’ve brought for dinner. He shows me his prized collection of LPs, original vinyl records in plastic sleeves. “The only Bon-era record I don’t have is TNT. A friend of mine bought it for me as a present, but then the bastard decided to keep it for himself.”
Continue reading “Demolition Damo”