[Bon Scott Project vinyl banner at Fremantle Arts Centre. Miraculously yet-to-be stolen…(thanks to Sally for the pix)]
Ben Scott, the lovechild, has just arrived in Fremantle after travelling across the Nullabor from Melbourne. He is just 4 days late for the launch of the Bon Scott Project.
After arriving, Ben got in touch, emailing me this “very Fremantle” tale (in uncharacteristically non-UPPER-CASE typing… go figure!):
im outside fremantle bank today when 2 guys approach me!!! one asks in very strong scottish accent… can you spare a dollar mate???
i said no;sorry fellaz…
then the other in an even stronger scottish accent asks…hey your a bloddy rock star arnt you???
i said no; but you may have seen me in the paper here as a rock star’s son…
he asks which one??? i say bon scott…he bursts out with… i was security for bon all over the uk …
then his mate lifts his jumper to show me a chest tattoo involving scottish heritage…so we all have a great chat laughing loud enough for many people to think we are all loonies…
then i give em 5 bucks to go buy a drink with…
haha just love them bonny scottsmen…