OK, here’s the lowdown. From 17th of May to 29th of June 2008, you can send an SMS text message to Bon Scott!
Well, sort of. You can send it to little ole me, and then I will select the best ones to go up on the Fremantle Welcome LED sign, to be seen by thousands of motorists as they pour over the bridge into Fremantle!
Bon rests in peace in the Fremantle cemetery, just five minutes drive from the sign.
What’s more, each day, a digital photo will be taken of that day’s chosen message, and it’ll be put on display in the Bon Scott Project Exhibition at the Fremantle Arts Centre. I’ll also post em up here on the blog!
So don’t miss your chance to contribute to this historic event.
Here’s the rules:
*Make it short (the sign can only display 21 characters wide by 4 lines high – if you go over this limit, don’t worry, I’ll fix it up and make it fit for you, so don’t sweat it too much).
*Any language is fine (so all you Spaniards and Argentinians who I know are reading this, don’t feel you have to bust your culo to translate your message. In the afterlife, there are no language barriers.)
*If you’re in Australia, text this number: 0423 745 736. If you are texting internationally, then try this number (61) 423 745 736. (You’ll have to do whatever you need to send international texts from your country). Alternatively, email em to me: lucas[at]bonscottblog[dot]com, or leave a comment below!
*umm, are there any more rules? (I hereby reserve the right to make up more rules as I go along…)
*oh yeah, here’s one! they only have CAPITAL LETTERS!
*and I keep thinking of more rules: can you make sure that along with your message, you send me your name (or pseudonym) and where in the world you are sending your message from? And your age, if you want!
-Lucas The Bon Scott Blogger
let there be BON saludos desde Argentina y mi corazon esta con ustedes
thanks pablo, terrific! look out for your name in lights!
I did get me invite despite giving you the disclecksick version of our address….thank you! Is great…and I am still thinking on what I would like to see up on sign….hmmmm, maybe just SINK THE PINK! but then again, that just might be the “other guy”…hold on….
Thanks, no doubt, to the article in the Sydney Morning Herald, some text messages came through from the eastern states yesterday morning:
and shortly afterwards, from the same number, this beauty:
Whew, I’ll be earning my keep converting this trifecta to 21 characters, 4 lines! I replied to this message, asking who it was from, and where? This was the response:
another message (anonymous) which came in via SMS:
I really liked this one, which came in on the SMS from “Franky”. Go the creative typography!
more messages coming in!
Bon u made so
many of us crazy
bout u. You live
on in the hearts
of millions.
Thanks ‘mate’.
Ride on down
the highway to
hell and go down
and party! From
mark and jen.
Let there be
rock! (sorry i
had to say it)
Nanu Nanu Shazbut !! ——–Last words of Bon on highway to hell night prowler….
You’re a rocka!
You’re a rolla!
You’re a right
out of controlla!
Shine on bright
Thanks for
showin us how
it’s done. Love
from Jo in
town. x x x
Bon Scott gracias por dejarnos tanta musica. Saludos de Argentina desde http://www.acdc-foro.com.ar
Thanks Bon,Always Thanks mate. Bon Live´s !!
Córdoba – Spain
Hey lucas!!
Im brazilian and living in Sydney over a year. Im a big fan of Bon Scott and Ac/Dc its my favourite band. They are big in Brazil!!
Congrats for your project!! Its really nice idea to develop this project in memory of the great Bon Scott!!
Im planning to catch a plane to Fremantle as soon as i can!! And also visit the cemetery where Bon is buried.
Long Live rock n Roll!!!
Ride on bon!!!
Hah, some great messages still coming in – check out this one. I have no idea what jj is talking about!
More messages coming in on SMS. This one from Dublin is particularly interesting:
I came across your blog page the other day when I was trawling the net for Bon Scott sites.
I read a little bit of it each day. I love it and you are a lucky x#@* to have had the experiences you have had writing it.
AC/DC are the best band ever but would be even better with Bon still out front.
I am 53yrs old and have been an AccaDacca fan forever. When I have parties in my bar, everyone always wants to put on the silly hats (which we do after we drink to much) and rock to AccaDacca. And the people that are rocking are middle age bankers and our young adult children. The kids love Bon like we do because his music has lived on through us and always will. My favourite song is Jailbreak, an OZ classic, with Bon at his best.
I travelled to Fremantle a couple of years ago and had some quiet moments at Bons grave. I will be back again soon to see his statue (and to visit the grave again).
I would love the following message to go up on the Message Board at Fremantle:
Bon Scott still rocks hard and strong
in the life of Laurie Redsell (Loz)
from Brisbane. R.I.P. Bon
If it does goes up could you let me know by email, photograph it and put it on your blogsite.
Also if it does go up I will be downloading the picture, blowing it up and putting in the bar beside Bons photograph and other assorted memorabilia.
Laurie Redsell
Brisbane, Qld.
Laurie, your bar with all its Bon memorabilia and Bon’s spirit of fun sounds like the place to be! As I keep mentioning on this blog, with all the great places and events honoring Bon in Australia, as an extreme Bon fan, I feel like I’m living in the wrong country (USA)!
Thank you to the crew involved with the creation of the Bon Scott Blog for this opportunity ! TO MY HERO, FAV SINGER & LYRICIST … TO YOU BON …
we love bon in alabama! auditions for guitarists are being held on july 5th for bon scott tribute day (bstd)at the bottletree in birmingham, alabama, usa. e=mail luckyloyd@hotmail.com & wish us luck!
My mother’s maiden name is Scott. My brother is playing drums for me. I feel like I am carrying on the family business. Please do wish us well!